Increase Your Focus, Productivity, and Happiness in Less Than 30 Days With These Tips to Jumpstart Your Practice.

How to Start a Daily Meditation Practice



After completing this course, you'll be able to implement a daily meditation practice that improves your productivity and helps you cultivate a calmer, more resilient response to stress.


Meditating for only a few minutes everyday can increase the parts of the brain that are connected with happiness, contentment, and feelings of connectedness. It’s been shown to improve the immune system, ability to concentrate, and is an effective treatment for reducing anxiety, depression, and pain. It even reduces the toll of psychological stress — and who doesn’t need that!?

Meditation also helps you clear out the negative chatter, reconnect with your values, and literally re-wire your brain so you can choose to respond instead of react. Certain types of meditation practices can also help you be more present, kind, and thoughtful to the people around you — a big win for everyone!

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