NeuroArts represents a transformative approach to understanding the power of artistic expression on the brain and body. Painting, as a key component of this field, has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and enhance emotional well-being. Whether through community programs, healthcare initiatives, or personal practice, engaging in painting can be a meaningful way to promote mental and neurological health. As research continues to expand, the integration of painting into healthcare and wellness settings will likely become even more widespread, making it an accessible and valuable tool for improving quality of life.
Read MoreHiring a health and wellness coach, a life coach, or a lifestyle management coach can help you improve your personal and professional outcomes. They can help you get where you want to go (or at least help you identify what you do want) in less time and with more ease.
Read MoreSocial prescribing represents a paradigm shift in healthcare, moving beyond traditional medical interventions to a more holistic, community-centered approach. By tackling loneliness, fostering social connections, and promoting active lifestyles, social prescribing contributes to both mental and physical well-being, ultimately enhancing longevity.
Read MoreThe world is opening up and that means we're going out to eat a lot more often. If you're trying to eat healthier, going out to eat can often be a challenge, because so many restaurants load their menus with high-fat, high-sugar, or high salt items. The good news is healthier and more plant-based restaurants are on the rise. Until they’re the norm, here five tips to help you eat healthier when dining out.
Read MoreResearch shows that the kinder you can be to yourself when you’re stressed, the quicker you’ll find yourself feeling better. (Which means you’ll have more energy to show up with compassion for others, too.) Here are four ways to be kinder to yourself this year.
Create a life filled with smart, helpful, healthy habits. They help build resilience and allow you to show up as the best version of yourself, for your family, your community, and your co-workers.
Read MoreSleep-deprived employees are less likely to be focused at work, take longer to complete tasks, are less creative, and less likely to tackle more mentally involved projects.
AS WE WORK TO ADJUST TO THE NEW, NEW NORM — OR DECIDE WHAT WE WANT THAT TO BE — IT’S LEAVING US ALL A BIT UNSETTLED, BUT WHY? AND WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT? We’ve all been wanting to “get back to normal” or hopefully, to something better than normal for a while now. Yet, as things are opening up, I’m struck by how so many of us — including me — feel a bit unsettled.
Read MoreIncrease your personal resource to better handle your relationship to stress and prepare for a covid winter.
Read MoreHere are the most effective, research-based tips for increasing your stress resiliency and thriving in uncertain times.
Read MoreGetting more sleep is essential to feeling and functioning at our highest capacity. Here what you can do right now to get a better night of sleep.
Read MoreHere’s what you need to know do deal with job loss during Covid-19 and beyond.
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According to Owl Labs, 54% of U.S. workers work remotely at least once per month. With many companies and schools taking precautions to reduce the spread of Covid-19, working remotely is about to make a dramatic increase. Here’s what you need to know to make working from home a successful and dare-I-say enjoyable experience.
Read MoreSleeping less than six or seven hours a night destroys your body's immune system. Boost your body's ability to fight off infections, disease, and the common cold by practicing good sleep hygiene.
Read MoreYou decided that you wanted to meditate. You know all the benefits. You told yourself you would. Now it’s been months since you actually meditated. Here’s some really easy steps for you to get
Read MoreIs burning candles toxic to your health? Here’s what you need to know.
Read MoreMeditation supports great leadership, here’s how.
Read MoreHow to gracefully reduce the amount you drink to improve your health and happiness in the new year.
Read MoreEating healthy on the go is possible. Check out these great tips to get started.
Read MoreCrafting a fall minimalist wardrobe is harder than it sounds, especially if you love fashion. Here’s why.
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