why sleep changes everything.
How more zzz’s lead to increased productivity, smarter decision-making and happiness!
Quality sleep improves every single aspect of our personal and professional lives.
This professional development workshop will share insights on how sleep impacts our mental and physical wellbeing, how to cultivate better sleep habits, and how top companies incorporate sleep programs as part of their wellness initiatives.
You’ll leave with real reasons to prioritize sleep, a personalized sleep-better toolkit, and ideas on the best ways to implement sleep programs within your organization.
Brianna Harrington, Founder and CEO of Seek United
“You were the team’s favorite part of our two day meetings! Great information and practical methods for them to put to use.”
-Cami Peterson-DeVries | VP of Corporate Compliance & Ethics and Leadership Development, St. Francis Health Services
“insightful and well presented".”
- Bailey Rowell | VP of International Business Relations, Kuder Inc.
professional development workshop
Teach your employees better sleep habits.
Employees who get seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night have higher cognitive functioning. This means fewer errors, better problem solving, more capacity for creative thinking, and better communication and collaboration skills. They also have stronger immune systems — which means they’re less likely to engage in presenteeism or absenteeism — are more satisfied with life, and are less likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, or other lifestyle diseases.
Sleep deprived employees, anyone getting under seven hours of sleep a night, not only see a decline in their cognitive functioning, but in their emotional control. As the connection between the prefrontal cortex (logical reasoning) and the amygdala (our primal emotional brain) loosens—due to lack of sleep—they become up to 60% more impulsive and more prone to depression. Sleep deprived employees also become worse at learning new skills, remembering, and the rate of accidents and errors rises.
Sleep deprivation among the U.S. workforce costs us approximately $411 billion dollars a year.
Companies who promote good sleep habits within their wellness programs see an exponential increase in productivity, communication, collaboration, and creativity across workforces. They also see a reduction in healthcare costs associated with lifestyle diseases related to poor sleep habits, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, ADHD, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.
Personal Wellness is the New Professional Development.
Kick-start your team’s healthy sleep habits. Hire Seek United founder, Brianna Harrington, to present a one-hour workshop entitled, SLEEP: Your Secret to Thriving in Work and Life.
In this engaging workshop, we’ll share actionable steps to help your team create better sleep habits that increase focus and productivity, improve health outcomes, and your company’s bottom-line. Contact us at brianna@seekunited.org for more information.